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A quick summary of the product.
About the Product
JSDN is an integrated cloud management system with a centralized marketplace, stores associated to the marketplace and customers.
Product Advantage
JSDN brings many advantages to its users.
User Roles
The following user roles are important within JSDN:
This section describes how to login to the marketplace, how to reset your password and gives you an understanding of your role and responsibilities. This section also details your marketplace user interface and the content that’s available for your use.
First Time Login
As an on-demand provider, you will be logging in to the marketplace. When you login to the marketplace for the first time, you will be prompted to reset your password. Provide a new password and confirm the password change.
Password Reset
You can reset your password at any given point-in-time.
Marketplace Home Page
This section describes the marketplace home page user interface and its general navigation aspects.
Customize UI Elements
If you have the privilege, you can customize the label names on a page. It is a configurable feature. If the Settings menu is configured and made available to you by the Super Administrator, use the Settings menu to customize the labels on a page and error messages.
Supported Browsers and Operating System
Dos and Don'ts
Known Limitations
The marketplace intuitive and simple user interface enhances the way you browse cloud services. As an on-demand provider, you can Browse Services and Browse Members pages.
As an administrator, you can manage your company account by managing services, users, company information and regional settings.
Manage Services
The JSDN members (cloud vendors) can add services to the marketplace. However, before these services can be resold by a store, they must be approved by your administrator.
Manage Users
As an administrator, you can manage your user(s). Managing user(s) involves adding users, editing user(s) information, suspending and activating user(s), and deleting user(s) if required and change the role.
Manage Company Information
Manage Regional Settings
Manage Your Own Account
The report gives a summary and detailed information on your customer list, company reports, services activities, login activities, users order management, help desk cases, transaction settlement information, revenue and billing information.